Darrell Sabbs

Community Benefits Manager
Phoebe Putney Health System

For over four decades, Darrell Sabbs has served the communities of Southwest Georgia through hard work and determination, driven by the shared belief that “service is the rent we pay for living.”  From teenagers to the eldest members of society, his focus has remained strong – to recognize the struggles of the underserved and to provide tools to help them ensure a healthier future for themselves and their families.

Sabbs currently serves as Community Benefits Manager for Phoebe Putney Health System (PPHS) in Albany, Georgia.  His work with the hospital includes identifying ways to impact community health, with particular focus on the underserved.  He works closely with the hospital’s Network of Trust, a national award-winning in-school, interactive outreach program for pregnant and parenting teens in rural Southwest Georgia.  In addition, Mr. Sabbs is currently under contract with Quest for Change Successful Life Initiative engaging community stake holders, parents, educators and providers in a healthy youth development project. 

Sabbs played a key role in developing health initiatives for “Men on the Move”, a faith-based partnership of more than 30 faith-based institutions designed to help Southwest Georgia men.  His work with both underserved men and women led to the creation of two of Phoebe Putney’s most successful health events – a Women’s Health Fair and a Men’s Health Fair, held annually.  More than 300 individuals attend each event annually.  For many, these events empower participants to take control of their lifestyle and well-being.  For even more, it is the first time they speak to a physician or nurse face-to-face and learn that they, too, can receive healthcare no matter how poor or underserved they may feel.  They leave with tools to improve their lives and the lives of those around them.

In 2003, in large part a result of Sabbs commitment, Phoebe Putney was awarded the coveted Foster G. McGaw Prize for excellence in community service.

School of Social Work and is a consultant to the Morehouse School of Medicine and the Morehouse Research Institute.