Working Agenda for PCORI Conf. Award EAIN 00095
Determining the Efficacy and Scope of Behavioral Health, Gender-Specific Screening Tools for Males Benefitting Front Line Community Workers
Defining the Problem 10:30-11:30 AM *
- Prevalence of mental health issues in males vs females
- Differences in symptoms manifested by males and females
- How is it the same/different in populations such as youth, adolescents, young adults, elderly, and vulnerable postulations?
- How is it the same/different in populations such as African-American, Hispanic, Asian, NA and LGBTQ?
- Discussion of how current tools are aimed at identifying “female” symptoms and the results of this gap?
- Consequences of ignoring mental health issues in men and boys (suicide, violence, addiction, other destructive behavior)
- Are there any outcomes oriented studies have been helpful in doing your work?
Implantation At The Community Level 11:30-12:45 PM
- How do you or colleagues attempt to identify people within the setting you work in (construction, schools, workplace, clinic, military (active duty, transitioning, and veterans), first responders etc.) in the community setting with mental health issues?
- What barriers, organizational, sociocultural, legal and other that you encounter in this work?
- How have you overcome them?
- Do you use specific tools, approaches or methods to identify boys and men at risk?
- If so, do they identify males?
- Are there any male specific tools to screen for behavioral health issue you know of?
- How effective are those tools at your disposal in working with boys and men?
- How could they be improved?
- Do you see a need for male specific tools
- How do you handle matters of confidentiality?
- Do you notify others (family, supervisors, law enforcement, and health care) of boys and men at risk?
- Do you have a protocol to hand-off identified individuals to appropriate resources?
Break 12:45-1:45 PM
Consequences of Male Depression 1:45 -2:15PM
- Manifestations of mental health issues on the populations you serve?
- On the community?
- What needs to change?
Moving Forward 2:15-2:45PM
- What types of outcomes patient focused studies do you think would be helpful?
- What do you need to better screen your populations?
- How do programs with successful outcome become adopted – what are drivers what are impediments?
- How to best disseminate information to stake-holders?
Closing Comments and Next Steps 2:45-3:00 PM
*All Times Are In Eastern Daylight Savings Time